Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Residual Glee

While I can't say that in the last year and a half that my blog has really taken off, and while I haven't yet expanded beyond my loyal cadre of fourteen "followers," things are on the horizon.
It seems I may have unintentionally released a quip or two in the wind, where they germinated and eked out a meager life of their own on the web.

It turns out that a Google search of "Residual Glee" will bring up a link to The Daily Sentence of Dave where I commented on a post last year when he complained about children and bubbles. Kind of like when I typed in "fame" for an image and Taylor Swift came up--she must be so proud. Not so impressive? Well, how many of you have been responsible for being one of the top search results for a random phrase you wrote on the web? That's what I thought. It's only a matter of time really before there is a clever Google icon designed after yours truly above the search box on my birthday. They may even be spit-balling the idea of having another "Doodle for Google" contest for just such an occasion.

Oh...Ok--scratch that. This is a bit embarrassing, but I just checked the search again, as I have been every fifteen minutes for the past twenty-four hours, and it doesn't come up anymore.

It doesn't matter that now, a mere day after my initial fame, I don't show up as a top search result anymore; what matters is that for a few, brief, shining moments, anyone in the world could, and many of you probably did, type "Residual Glee" into a major search engine, and chuckle to yourselves while reading my scathing, sarcastic remark about how Dave hates everything that most people enjoy and celebrate. So I had my fifteen minutes, and now it's gone, but the residual hubris (that should get some search results) will last forever.

1 comment:

  1. that's so weird-- i typed it in as well and now it doesn't show up, BUT this esoderica post DOES show up as the top search for "residual glee." people work a lifetime to get top billing on google and you did it by accident!
