Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yet Another Saturday

When you walk into the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, it seems kinda small, but when you consider exactly how many syphilitic skin samples, excised carbuncles or deformed skeletons you can fit into two stories, it starts to seem rather large. The impacted colon that is the size of a ...I can't think of anything but that amorphous, serpentine tentacle that comes in the ship on Abyss and looks the lady in the face--like that but a colon, big and brown, is pretty unsettling if you consider carrying it around in your abdominal cavity. And if you're into looking at different deformed fetuses preserved in jars and getting really sad, then this is your kind of place.

However, if you are overly empathetic or a hypochondriac, DO NOT GO HERE. You will be miserable. If you are squeamish or faint of heart, then stay home--I take that back, you should go here (except hypochondriacs) just to see what kind of terrible, painful and debilitating growths and deformities the human body is capable of. You should go. You should learn. And you should leave the place being thankful that you are happy and healthy...for now.

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