Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hiatus Is where the Heart Is.

Where the hell have I been? Well, lets just say buying a house and moving in is a project, and between work and the house, I haven't exactly been inspired to write. It's not that there hasn't been anything to write about either, it was just that after a week of not writing about the house, all the ideas I had had formed into a giant unmanageable monster that looked much like Justin Timberlake's media files in that commercial, so it was a bit daunting to then pick where to start.

So let's boil this experience down to it's purest and simplest form: what is it like having a house? Well, It's like this:

And, it's like this:

And it didn't take long to become like this:

Then it soon became this:

So, if I had to sum things up in one word, it would be:


Love you Lib!


  1. Yay! missed you Sode's blog!

  2. I was wondering what the heck was going on. CONGRATS on the new house and this post was beautiful, you are such a softie:)
