Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pound for Pound

I've been going to the rock climbing gym for some months now, and I have markedly improved. I have also seen other nascent climbers come and go, and I have noted the dedicated climbers who are regulars; I have even made some friends. I have scaled the bouldering ranks from lowly V0 climber to a semi-respectable V3 climber, though I cannot do them all; however, I did ascend a V4- the other day. Pound for pound, you have to develop your skills based on your height, weight and agility, and a tall thin guy can climb better than a guy who is jacked; I have developed as a 5'7" medium-build guy, and I have impressed myself on some days. I have even been invited personally on two outdoor expeditions by other climbers, but all of it meant nothing, until today.

When I walked into the gym and put on my shoes, I was met by a gym employee who greeted me with a fist bump. That's right! When you get to pound "the rock" with a rock gym employee, you've crossed the line from leisurely climber to respectable climber. It's like the secret handshake of a secret and exclusive club, an esoteric club with terms like, flag, barn door, campus and gaston. What else could the fist pound mean? I will admit, I'm not that great; I have a long way to go, but I guess I have reached the point where I have earned enough rock creds to deserve a fist bump. Maybe it was my mastery of the V4-, or maybe it was my scaling and controlled descent of the campus board--I don't know, but I gotta say, it felt good to pound the rock, not only upon entering, but also upon leaving.


  1. Impressive, the mountain rock climbing folk of Asheville are very hard core and don't associate much with the non-rock climbing types. It is a very exclusive club and you can tell the climbers from all the bandaged bleeding fingers, scraped up appendages and a near death experiences.

  2. What's after the fist bump? The bro hug?

  3. The bro hug would be very chalky, so it's extra intimate; it must be saved for after you're first V-8 (not the tomato juice).
