Monday, April 19, 2010

Old Friends

My weekend started on Friday driving the ten hours to Ohio for my friend Jared's wedding celebration in Springboro. For as wonderful as it was to see everyone from college, some people I haven't seen for eight years, it almost seems like it didn't even happen. By the time I talked to everyone, the night was over, and I found myself driving the ten hours back on Sunday, wondering where it all went. The wedding, the friends, the past nine years...

Kentucky Dave, who I haven't seen in ages, has two kids now, and his son looks like a stout version of him. I have many stories of Dave from college, but at the wedding my favorite, new story of Dave was that one morning recently, he took his dog out to go to the bathroom, and because he was tired, and since he has his own eleven acres in Kentucky, he decided to put on his boots--only his boots--when he let the dog out. When his dog ran off, he went after it, and on the edge of his property, he saw a turkey blind set up with a man in full camo inside (even if Dave did see the guys face he would have reacted the same) so he waved to the hunter inside and headed back to his house naked as a jay bird...wearing boots.

Seth, one of the most talented artists I have ever known, is teaching art to the elderly in the basement of a retirement home, and seems to be quite content yelling at old people for not trying hard enough. Seth, who used to drink green Kool-Aide from a jug he labeled "life" and died his goatee to match with said green Kool-Aide, Seth who was commisioned to paint the portrait of the dean of the school he gets to attend for free because his wife works there, Seth who popped up a train stop away from me in Brooklyn one random evening years ago. Seth who will always be a true artist and land on his feet no matter what because of his amazing spirit and talent.

Josh ingratiated himself well with Lib by helping us write poetry for the newlyweds on personalized postcards left on the table for us at the reception. Each started innocently enough but turned into the most vile, horrific, satanic wedding verse known to man. Lib took the prize for best line with "throw blood on the coals where lovers roast" and Josh took the best rhyme (slant) for matching sinewy with eternity. While most grooms would be averse to such a gift, I remind myself that not only was Jared a Danzig and Slayer fan back in the day, but he also once drew a picture of a goat-headed Satan that was so evil that he burned it behind his barn because he was afraid of it.

I could go on forever about all of my friends: Clint, Andy, Mike, Chad, and their better halves. Even Stefan showed up which was a nice surprise, but I think it scared Lib a little when he pulled out the halloween party from 1999 and most of us were women in some form: wench, drag queen, prom date with retainer, and of course Corey who had just "come out" was Ginger Spice--I don't remember it being so gay, and it was difficult to explain to Lib within reason why so many straight men were in drag in some form, but it just happened that way.

It was worth the drive. Even though it was here and gone and will probably never happen again, I was glad to see everyone at one time. And even though I felt like I didn't really get to see them, it is only because all of these guys were such great friends that unless you sit down with them one on one, you feel kinda cheated. But that's the price of getting everyone together in one place.

P.S. whoever has the great group photo, I need it for the blog.