Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Fever

Well, turkey fever didn't last long...or did it? On Friday morning, Lib and I went to the tree farm and cut down a spruce tree in the prime of its life so we could hang lights and bulbs from it (I wonder if this is a happy fate for trees or if it's like having your dog fixed and dressing it up in your sister's clothes and jewelry while it's still groggy). Either way, it was a nice time for all. The cat seemed to take a real interest, and led Lib and I around the tree in circles as we hung the lights; then she(the cat not Lib) proceeded to bat any ornaments that weren't hung high enough or nailed down into the stairwell, collecting them at the bottom of the steps. Later, Lib dug out the Fimo (clay) and we made a couple of ornaments for the tree. What kind of ornaments does one make to celebrate Christmas you may ask? Easy...Sushi. Mine is the appetizing tuna roll with ginger and wasabi, while Lib went for the inside-out California roll with black sesame seeds. We are officially knee deep in the holiday season, people. And don't worry. I haven't left Thanksgiving and Turkey Fever completely behind. Lib and I made another Turkey on Sunday just because we wanted to and will be eating more leftovers for dinner tonight with homemade macaroni. Days I have eaten turkey: four out of the past six and counting.

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