Friday, January 22, 2010

My Hero

In fourth grade we had to pick two celebrities to write a letter to, and we eagerly awaited some kind of response, because when you're ten, celebrities are a big deal; they are not real people yet.

I chose Bill Cosby and Sylvester Stallone--obvious right? I'm surprised they never did a movie together.

I don't even know if "The Cosby Show" was on air yet, but I remember liking Bill Cosby and I know how First Blood affected me the first time I saw it at my parents' friends house. By the time Rambo II came out I was a Stallone nut. If I had known he was only 5'7" I would have identified with him even more. Cobra was a bit scary, and I never really bought the metaphor in Over the Top, but the lesson "DTA"(Don't trust anyone) still sticks with me from Lockdown and I always made sure to remeber that in case I ever went to prison and needed a mantra.

I think you can probably figure out who wrote me back with an autographed, glossy black-and-white of himself walking through the jungle, shirtless and scarred, carrying a compound bow. I always imagine what my life would be like had "The Coz" written me back instead.


  1. Lol. I wrote Ernie Reyes. The only Fil actor I knew, plus he had a show called Sidekicks that kicked @$$. At least, I thought it did back then.

  2. I'm taller than sylvester stallone? that makes me feel really good.

  3. I don't recall being forced to write to a celebrity... Shouldn't I feel blessed that I did not write to Pee Wee Herman.That return letter could be a windfall or an albatross. You must understand, the real celebrities of my day...Matthew Broderick ( the first video game nerd I recall), Judd Nelson ( whom will always be known to me as John Bender, and second only consequently, to my hero...Mr. Steve Yzerman [ Yes I did omit Gordie! ] Whew. Damn. that was hard. Reading your posts... heroes/celebrities answer us when we are young. Perhaps it's easier for them to send a autographed letter to us when we are mindless, worshipping, wannabe-like-you clones; rather than answer legitimate, worldly questions. Geez, it seems so simple now, the instant we discovered that the WWF was scripted; is the same instant our innocence died. Our universe changed. We finally discovered honesty.Honesty above and beyond what we've ever known before. A truth and righteousness that we learn only from loving parents. Those type of parents that, unfortunately,for our country, and the world, are in too small supply. We learned then to differentiate bullshit from fact. Right then. And we applied this knowledge to our lives; and to the earth in general; like we knew it all along. Like we would never be fooled again. Like we are just waiting like chimps to ridicule the next dumbass brother/sister of ours that effs up real big. waiting...I'm waiting, and hoping not to be the next big dumb ass...

  4. If he had been in existence(?) then...I would have written to Pepe, the king Prawn. The confident, charismatic, english/Spanish/French dialect speaking muppet. My back-up would have been Triumph the comedy dog. Hell, they are just as real as human celebrities...

  5. That being said, I would like to see a movie staring both Pepe and Triumph, or at least the Muppets could adopt Triumph and include him in their next caper.

  6. Hmmmm...I don't remember that at all and I was in your 4th grade class. Wonder who I wrote to???
