Friday, October 16, 2009

The Mushroom Project

This is a story that I used to tell Lib last year that I never finished. She would claim that it was something I did when our relationship was "green" and exciting; it was a story she would have me tell when she couldn't sleep and she wanted to hear my voice--it was also a story that I would tell when I was tired and wanted to sleep, but I did get some really good ideas out of it, and while it was rough and impromtu, I have wanted to refine it and write it down, so I created The Mushroom Project. I need to imbue it with some overall purpose and meaning, but the plot, while scattered, will work. I don't know exactly where it's going, but I decided to make a blog so I would have more satisfaction than just starting at Microsoft Word knowing no one would ever read it. The only real issue is that the order will be posted in reverse, but I'll worry about that when it becomes an issue. Until then:


  1. i thought you were allergic to mushrooms? is that symbolism? are you allergic to your own story? that's deep.

  2. If you don't care about dates, I believe if you edit the post dates (available through the admin functions), it will order appropriately. Just go to edit post > post options...
