Monday, February 15, 2010

This is How We Brew it!

We were supposed to go the the city to see the Tim Burton exhibit for Valentine's Day, but I underestimated the ticket sales three months after the exhibit opened, so when I checked the night before, it was too late. Fortunately, Lib was quick on her feet and suggested we make beer like we did last year. So we did.

Our brewmeister was a nice sturdy guy with a shaggy chin-strap beard and a wool cap on who reminded me of Johnny K (Don Oso), and his name was Jeremy, so I will refer to him as Jeremy K. He knew his beers and was a very nice guy, much like Don Oso. Lib asked him about a million questions and he only stumbled on the question about what exactly tannins were, but overall, he had an impressive knowledge of beer and brewing. He encouraged us to reach in and taste all the grains if we liked, and Lib, who thrives on tasting and comparing things was in heaven because, last time, she though she had to sneak samples. We made an Irish Lager named "Wasteland Lager" after T.S. Eliot's poem that includes:

Frisch weht der Wind
Der Heimat zu.
Mein Irisch Kind,
Wo weilest du?

After our brewing, we went to Masala, an Indian buffet, and stuffed ourselves on Lib's dime with every flavor under the sun (in India). But it is not the food that gets the focus on this blog, it is the jet engine powered hand dryers in the bathroom that impresses us every time we go, so we recorded ourselves getting our faces blown off (see below).

After lunch we headed over to Red Bank and milled around one of the antique shops for a while and Lib picked out a pretty little antique pendant of polished quartz. She used the mirror on the car visor to take this picture because she wanted me to post it, and while it is a pretty pendant, I am more impressed by her thinking to use the mirror to view the screen on the camera for the perfect shot.

By the time we got back from our big day, we settled in with a bottle of wine, some Borderlands on the 360, and called it a Valentine's for the year.


  1. Irish Lager? You have to let me know how it turns out!

    Did some brewing this weekend, too. Maybe I'll post something about it somewhere. Like, HERE or something.


  2. Happy Valentine's Day! I think this is the first time I have seen Libby - she is gorgeous so what is she doing with you??? HEHEHE!!!! On a serious note, what a fun way to spend Vday. Love ya! Em

  3. it's people like you that ruin this holiday for people like me.

    the bassist from lecompt asked the crowd," is it okay to give your wife flowers from produce junction?"
