Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cat Noises?

Last week I was at the gas station with a dump truck full of roadstone--dump trucks have a lever on the bed outside just behind the driver's side that releases the tail gate for dumping--and the man pumping my gas started to fiddle with it, and while I was a little suspicious of it, the safety chain was still attached so I just kept watching in the side mirror. Then it got weird: he started tugging on it and making cat noises every time he tugged at it, and not just little cat noises, but loud cat noises for about thirty seconds, so I started to think he may be retarded or something, but then he came over and asked me in a completely normal voice what would happen if he pulled the lever, and I curtly explained that he would have a gas station with a lot of gravel and he stopped. In New Jersey, you are not allowed to pump your own gas, but how is this guy qualified and I am not; I have eleven years experience pumping gas in Ohio when I pumped my own gas. Don't get me wrong, I like having someone else pump my gas, but it's on principle that I complain here--I would just like the option to pump my own gas if I deem someone else incompetent to do so, or if I have to wait more than ten seconds for them to do so...or if they meow.


  1. He should have pulled the lever and asked questions later. It would have made a better story--hands down.

  2. i would like an onomatopoetic rendition of the "cat noise" the man made. was it more like purrrrr or a yeowlll or reeerh!-- thanks!

    audio deprived in HP

    p.s. are you coming out for beers on Thurs.?

  3. I pumped gas in my mothers car for the first time and found myself unable...this doesn't make me feel any better.

  4. note to self...always have enough gas to get through New Jersey. Always.
