Saturday, August 8, 2009

Growing Old

I will try to recreate as best I can the sad ramblings of an elderly man who sat on his porch and watched us tearing out a driveway yesterday:

"I did you a favor. When you were gone I told some ladies not to park here or they would be in for a heck of a surprise with all your equipment driving around. You guys eating lunch? You can come in my house and sit down."

That's Ok.

"No, you can come in if you want; I'm all alone. My wife is dead."

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

"I've lived here fifty-nine years, since nineteen fifty, now I'm all alone."

That's a long time.

"Thirty years ago, I would have thought I would have been dead by now. We had five kids--four boys and one girl, and ten grandchildren eight boys, two girls. All of them good kids. Why don't you guys just come on in and have your lunch, it's no problem and I'm all alone."

There was more, but I don't remember it, but it was all just as sad and creepy.


  1. hey-- my comment vanished from a day ago. what's going on? catherine has a great old person story that i don't feel like typing so you'll have to ask her to tell it if you come over saturday. obviously bring liz if you can-- she can sing some.

  2. I'm guessing that you hit "post comment" but it never posted--sometimes that happens.

  3. Also, We should be there Saturday. Sounds fun.

  4. cool-- remind catherine about the story.
