Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Raining Gravel

At the quarry, there is a mountain of asphalt hundreds of feet high where you drive to the top and dump old torn-out asphalt. At the peak of this mountain, I heard a loud horn that sounded like a semi horn in two long blasts. Then, I drove down the mountain to pick up some new asphalt at the plant, and as I was pulling up, a pick up came flying around the corner honking repeatedly, so I stopped, and a guy, whose voice was even gravely, said, "You can't go back here, I'm getting ready to blast that wall." And sure enough, when I looked up, there was a row of saw horses, and a relatively small sign that read "Blast Area," so I drove back to the front only about a hundred yards, and five minutes later there was an earth-rumbling blast, which sounded more like it was under water, followed by the sound of gravel raining down upon the earth. It was awesome.


  1. Based on your last post, I bet you were singing "It's Raining Men" and not "It's Raining Gravel"

  2. @Syntaxin: That's not very gneiss, even though I almost schist my pants laughing.

    Oh well.
