I'm not saying I have completely bought into the whole barefoot running craze, but that is only because I am only half way through Born to Run. Have I jumped on this bandwagon? No. Absolutely not. But I am running next to it barefoot. Or at least in sandals, and I am thinking of jumping on. I will never be a Caballo Blanco, white horse, and I will probably never run more than six miles, but I do have a heavy, heal pounding stride that will probably smash my knees and ankles. If this works, it just means I will run more naturally and efficiently. It seems primal though, running barefoot, and since I can't live in a jungle, this is as close as I get to primal. I will never be Caballo Blanco, and I may look silly running down the road in my sandals, but it does feel pretty good, and I think I will stick with it. And maybe one day the locals will refer to me as the white monkey, El Mono Blanco.
They may refer to you as El Mono Sancto...the bleeding monkey...considering your recent past with outdoor injuries and misfortunes. Furthermore, barefoot running sounds painful anywhere, but the broken and bombed-out, glass-strewn, mean streets of New York and New Jersey?! Where death and carnage awaits with every stride?! Sounds like a podiatrist dream come true. You're a crazy man!Don't do it! But, if you do, get your tetanus shot updated, and be careful out there.
ReplyDeleteI agree with chad's brother. Get your shots. I bought the Nike Free shoes so I could get the barefoot-esque experience without the stabbing dirty syringe, half filled with Hep C, jabbing up the sole of my foot like a disease-ridden, blood clot filled, inanimate version of a cobra's fang searing burning, disgusting, nasty who knows what into my bloodstream to wreak damage and destruction... and death. And Caballo Blanco, El Mono Blanco/Sancto whatever. You have been and will always be Anak ng Araw