A headline today read, "US scientists net giant squid in Gulf of Mexico." Well, anyone who knows anything about the fabled architeuthis knows that there are some really giant squid out there, the largest having yet to be seen. When a headline hits the papers like the aforementioned, you click and await to be amazed, impressed, and maybe a little emotional. Sure, I have never done anything to advance the studies of giant cephalopods or their discovery, but I have watched people on TV work very hard, and according to the narrator, they have been working for years. As a result, I too have been waiting for this discovery for years, albeit years condensed into an hour on cable. So when I get to the article and the squid is only nineteen feet long, I scoff. Come back when you catch something that can take down a large sailing vessel or at least leave giant scars in the leathery hide of a sperm whale. Ask yourself this: Can each suction cup rip the face off of a dolphin? If not, I don't want to see a headline; chum the local taverns with your fishtales. We (the researchers and I[through cable])have found some really large specimens in the past few years, and nineteen feet is bait fish. I hate being an elitist, but this is my life for an hour(including commercials) every few years. Come back when you have something to offer.
I'm not certain if the photo above accompanies the squid story but the photo sure looks fake to me. Giant squid may prove to be an urban legend. Speaking of...I seem to recollect a contest of some sort. Yes, who could produce the most believable urban legend. I think your regular readers, myself included, would like to hear and update on said competition. Adieu.
ReplyDeleteThe photo is a fake--the real picture was too pathetic; it looked like a small, deflated weather balloon that had been washed ashore years ago.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, the chameleon-like weather balloon, has played a major role in fueling the conspiracy theorists, confusing truth seekers, and further blurring the line separating fact and fiction. I hate weather baloons, why can't they stay in Roswell New Mexico!?