Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Root of Evil

Normally, I don't use my blog as a forum for talking about a movie--unless that movie is as strange as Little Otik, the story of a barren couple who has their hearts set on having a baby. The husband, in a twisted gesture after digging an eerily human stump out of the ground at their weekend cottage, fashions a creepy baby for his wife, who should have been appalled and insulted by it, but immediately reacts by treating it as if it were a real child by clothing it with the outfits she had bought her unconceived child, much to the surprise of her shocked and disturbed husband...but what did he expect? It is the best Czech movie I have ever seen, and even though I have never seen a Czech movie before, that should not detract from my admiration of it. Normally, when I'm watching a movie and I say aloud repeatedly, "that's messed up!" it means I don't like the movie, but a giant, rooty, flesh-eating infant, it turns out, has wrapped his little tendrils around my heart.


  1. I'm going to have to Netflix this seriously demeneted story of the human ability to personify inanimate objects. I wonder if I should watch it with Wilson.

  2. When you said Czech, the first thing I thought about was "The Unbearable Lightness of Being."

    Then I saw the picture of little Otik and thought, "aww, the un-bearable lightness of being eaten by a root-baby." Mostly because Otik looks like a bear. Or Callisto.

  3. It is available to watch instantly on Netflix.

  4. It's the Czech movie I've ever seen!

  5. This may be the terrifying object in every nightmare that I've ever had; but was unable to remember the next day what scared the hell out of me once I awoke. I'm so provincial and xenophobic it shames me.
