I was just reading an NPR article that said, people spend more money if they have coins instead of dollar bills, so one way we could jumpstart the economy was to create one and two dollar coins to put into circulation. A study showed that people given five dollars, in different denominations spent more the smaller the denomination. More Change=More Spending. My guess is that it would create a .00001% improvement in our economy. It says that people are digging into their cars and couches for loose change because things are tight. So I guess whoever wrote this article believes that people who are buying beer and cigarettes (because let's face it, no one digs for $3.00 to buy produce) with their last few dollars before payday (if they have a job) could benefit from having more coins, and that could pull us out of our current situation? I guess peoples' spending has nothing to do with not having a job. Maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe not having enough coins is what started this whole mess. Or maybe this is the "change" that people were really looking for by electing Obama. Or maybe we should all be taking and leaving pennies in the trays at gas stations. Or maybe the gas station attendants pilfer the pennies that are supposed to be everyone's pennies, and it has slowly deteriorated the economy. Or maybe this is just a novelty story that gives small minds hope, but even I, who know absolutely nothing about our current situation or economics had to scoff at this; however, it would be fun to see ATMs start barfing nothing but coins to unsuspecting patrons.
We should just change our economy to the tokens and tickets found at the arcade. That way, we can be even more abstract from the value of a product or service and spend more time worrying about the things that matter most--like whether I have enough tickets to get the mini parachute green army figure, or if I have to settle for pencil with the lame eraser yet again.
ReplyDeleteCall me crazy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the exotic dance industry will not embrace the " go coin" movement. Sadly, it may bring about the end of the garter belt. Which I believe is sexy yet serves as a convenient, practical function to hold folded denominations of legal tender, that I myself can place on said dancers without fear of having my arms broken by the bouncers. However, that being said, the "coin" movement may inspire a revolution in strip clubs throughout the country. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if this coin thing takes off, I need to be the guy who invents the device that allows married men to walk past there wives with $700 worth of coinage without a single jingle.
ReplyDeleteIs anonymous named Scott?