Saturday, May 9, 2009

Someone Has to Represent

When you go bald, you have the choice of trying to cover it up or embracing it. Fortunately, I have been told I look good bald; unfortunately, I have also been told I look like Ed Norton on American History X. So when I'm in public I am always self conscious of the fact that I do kind of look like a skinhead, which is not exacly the image I am going for, but a shaved head is better than the male-pattern balding look. So today, when I found an old NWA cd in my car and cranked up the bass in my factory speakers, I think I may have just confused the hell out of anyone that saw me drive by, and I can only imagine what my students must have thought if they happened to be walking down the street wondering what my cracker ass was thinking.

1 comment:

  1. How much MORE lame would your cracker-ass be if you went with a comb-over? Seriously, your street cred would be ruined.
