Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Friends...Prizeless

For those of you that know my friend, I'll refer to him here as Ryan Leiman for discretionary reasons, but others have called him Bribo or Ply-dog. In an attempt to inflict one of his guilt trips upon my friend, John, because he moved to Colorado recently after moving back to Ohio from Kansas, Ryan, in an attempt to accuse him of betrayal, called him a "trader" in an email. To make it even better, when the misuse of the homophone was brought to his attention, he replied in another email, "Nice. I laughed pretty good on that one. TRAITOR!!! INDIAN GIVER (explanation: you gave me your close locale and took it away)!!!! RAT SCALLION!!!!" says,

Rapscallion: noun--
a rascal; rogue; scamp.

Origin: 1690–1700; earlier rascallion, based on rascal. says,

Rat Scallion: noun--

a mix between a rodent and a green onion that has absolutely nothing to do with anything!

Origin: 2009; idiot's version of rapscallion. Believed to be created by the same man who coined "Quick as a cat, smooth as a rat," and there may be some connection to the nonsensical nature of the two terms.


  1. It is said that this same great man took the world by storm coining the phrase "Dorkus Frumorkus." This phrase has entered the vocabulary of all languages, spanning English to Japanese: おたくの群れ

    Let's all take a moment to honor this man. Greatness has a name, and that name is... Prizeless.

  2. The real question is... Would you rather be a green onion only suitable for rat taste buds or a scamp/rogue?

    I know my answer is a scamp.

  3. @Syntaxin...i know five of those characters, i'll have to look that one up.

  4. @everyone: remind me to sign in to a different google account next time i post.

  5. @John Who are you supposed to be? Or rather, who do you think you really are?

  6. @Syntaxin: I think you broke my brains. Your comment bridges an uncomfortable gap between present and future identity. I sometimes wonder if answering either question is a measure of integrity or insecurity, or perhaps unrealized potential. Not voltage. So...

    Answer #1: overthinker.
    Answer #2: good point. note to self: figure it out (reflexively).

  7. Oh, and I suppose the simple answer was "O CRAPZ WAT ACCT DID I UZE? WATZ MY NIK?"

  8. @brandmanager lollercopter wat u think teh realz avatar is? FAIL. U were pwnd by the interweb.
